About Me

Most of my friends think of me as a great design artist as well as photographer. I am passionate about design and photography and spent a lot of time developing my talents. Like many I had set my career aside for a few years while working on other passions but find I had missed working with others to bring their personal designs to light. I really love working with others and feel many need theΒ  support of people like myself to produce their ideas.

While working away from my art, I awoke to the fact that I still had deep reserves of passion about graphic designs which have been lying dormant all these years. It was the extraordinary creative environment, and being surrounded by a lot of professionals artist that helped me regain my passion, it was a very inspirational experience.

Since that time I have avidly resumed the art of design and photography. I have also trained myself in the modern tools of today’s visual artists, using the computer. If I had one as a kid I never would have went to school at all.

Artistic Interests: graphic design, graphic arts, photography and poetry.

8 thoughts on “About Me

  1. It’s wonderful to connect with your passion, Sharmelleo. Enjoy – and I wish you well on your journey. Thanks so much for the follow πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you, Soul Gift! It’s my pleasure for the follow! I am in the process of changing from Sharmelle’s Graphic Haven.WordPress to Sharmelle’s Portfolio.WordPress I still have a lot to do there but there will be more there and a lot easier to share my projects and stuff. I will be having featured poetry for the month and featured other thing for the week. Sorry I did not realize that I can make a portfolio lol. I was making my portfolio some ware else and this seem to be better than that. sharmellesportfolio.wordpress.com is the link all though I do not have much of anything there at all yet. I think I will be transferring my poetry first than upload my graphics, than my background, and than my photographs.
      Many Blessings, Sharmelle

      1. I don’t know anything about the portfolio thingy!! Blogging has been one HUGE learning curve for me. What I do know, is how much work it is to set things up, so good luck with it all πŸ™‚

        1. I hope that everything is going good with the Blogging learning curve with you. Thank you, Soul Gifts! Yes it is going to be a lot of work again. But I look forward to it lol.

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